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 地点:广东  发布时间:2022/10/13 10:06:28 字体大小:+






Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, hereinafter referred to as SZBL, is a newly established Guangdong Provincial Laboratory. Located in the heart of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, SZBL aspires to be a world-class research institution and intellectual destination dedicated to understanding the fundamental biology underlying health and diseases.

The overarching aim of SZBL is to provide comprehensive and whole-of-life approaches to disease prevention and intervention with bio-inspired technology to explore bioinformatics, biomedicine and medical imaging. Key focuses of research include cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, neurological and psychiatric disorders, and infectious diseases.

As a burgeoning institution, SZBL has convened more than 90 research groups with transdisciplinary backgrounds and professional expertise to push forward the vision of “Science for Global Health”.


课题组组长,闫致强,2004年获复旦大学学士学位。2004-2009年分别于bet36体育投注:神经科学研究所、北京生命科学研究所以及中科院生物物理研究所进行博士研究并获得博士学位。2009-2013加州大学旧金山分校及霍华德·休斯医学研究所师从美国科学院院士詹裕农,叶公杼 (Yuh-Nung Jan,Lily Jan) 进行博士后研究。2014年任复旦大学生命科学学院研究员、博士生导师,获得上海高校特聘教授(东方学者,2014)、上海市青年科技启明星(2014)、bet36体育在线:年升任三级研究员,2020年加入深圳湾实验室分子生理所任资深研究员、副所长。相关研究成果以第一/通讯作者(含共同)在Nature, Neuron, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, PNAS, Nature Communications, eLife, Cell Reports等国际高水平杂志发表多篇论文。获4项国家科技部重大研究计划、2项国家自然科学基金委面上项目支持。

Dr. Zhiqiang Yan obtained his bachelors degree from Fudan University in 2004, Then, he pursued his Ph.D. degree in Neurobiology, Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Institute of Biology Sciences, Beijing & Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences form 2004-2009. He received postdoctoral training in both Lily Jan’ group and Yuh Nung Jan group at Howard Hughes Medical Institute &University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, USA. In 2014, he was appointed as a professor in Fudan University. Then, he joined Shenzhen Bay Laboratory as a senior principal investigator at 2020 and appointed as deputy director at 2022. He has won honors such as Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) Long-term Fellowship(2010), Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Venus (2014), The Shanghai Rising-Star Program (2014), etc. Dr. Yan has published papers as first or corresponding author (including co-authors) in journals including Nature, Neuron, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, PNAS, Nature Communications, eLife, Cell Reports, etc. He was supported by 4 National Key Research and Development Projects of China and 2 general programs of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.



1. 听觉、触觉、湿度感觉、渴觉等感觉受体的鉴定、其装配和工作机制研究。

2. 感觉系统神经回路的功能研究:


3. 感觉系统疾病的机理和治疗:


Research direction:

We study sensory neurobiology, identify the receptors and neural circuits for sensation and interoception, study their working mechanism and related the diseases in sensory system.

1. Identify the receptors for hearing, touch, pain and thirst sensation, and study the gating and assembly of the related sensory transduction complex.

2. Map the critical neuronal groups and circuits for sensation and interoception such as touch, pain, vestibular and thirst sensation, study their function in various physiological processes.

3. Study pathogenic mechanism, diagnosis and treatment of congenital hearing loss, the cellular and circuitry basis of tinnitus, based on our expertise on function assay of ion channel to develop related drugs.


We are looking for aspiring young people with professional backgrounds in neurobiology, molecular biology and biochemistry, cell biology, structural biology, pharmaceutical chemistry, etc. are sincerely invited. The laboratory welcomes the integration and development of multi-disciplinary specialties.


1. 博士后(Postdoctoral Researcher)


Carry out scientific research under the guidance of the leader of the research group, and welcome outstanding postdoctoral researchers to bring their own topics to the research group for cooperation; Support its application for National Natural Science Foundation of China and projects at provincial and municipal levels.300000-500000 yuan per year.







2. 副研究员/助理研究员(Associate Research Fellow/Assistant Research Fellow)


Carry out scientific research under the guidance of the leader of the research group, and welcome researchers to bring their own topics to the research group for cooperation; Support its application for National Natural Science Foundation of China and projects at provincial and municipal levels.300000-500000 yuan per year.







3. 联培学生/实习生 (Intern)



Learn experimental skills such as molecular cloning, cell culture, patch-clamp electrophysiology, and behavioral analysis of mice, drug delivery, and brain imaging, or other topics you are interested in.

During the internship, the living expenses will be subsidized, and outstanding students can be recommended go to the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Capital Medical University, Southern University of Science and Technology, South China University of Technology and other universities that have joint projects with Shenzhen Bay Laboratory for doctoral and master’s research, or become Shenzhen Bay Laboratory full-time Employee.



4. 研究助理(Research Assistant)


Aim to complete the experimental tasks assigned by the group leader. If you perform well, You can be recommended to study for a masters or doctoral degree in a joint training school.

5. 深圳湾启航学者(Shenzhen Bay Fellow)

深圳湾启航学者是全职岗位,旨在培养和支持一批学术基础扎实、具有突出创新能力和发展潜力且处于职业生涯早期的青年学者,强化实验室各研究所/中心学术梯队和科研团队的建设,鼓励大胆的原创科研探索。“深圳湾学者”实行聘期制,聘期为3年。聘期届满且考核优秀者,可申请实验室特聘研究员(Junior Principal Investigator)岗位https://www.szbl.ac.cn/careers/recruitmentnotice/285.html.

Shenzhen Bay Fellow is a full-time position, offering talented and promising early-career-researchers the opportunity to start their own independent research in a nurturing and multidisciplinary environment at SZBL. The employment term is three years in general. After a Shenzhen Bay Fellow’s term is completed, fellows are encourged to apply for the Junior Principal Investigator position based on their work performance, and the relevant recruitment ad for Junior Principal Investigator position could be found at


6. 国内合作研究员/访问学者


Faculty and staff with doctoral degrees who are engaged in cutting-edge research in the field of life sciences in domestic universities and institutions, with relevant research work has been published, and have a strong intention to cooperate with our lab, and also can be dispatched to Shenzhen Bay laboratory by the original unit to conducts collaborative scientific research for more than 2 years.



Cooperation in scientific research. Cooperative application for various internal and external (including national and regional) research projects and grants。







Qualified candidates will receive an internationally competitive salary, state-of-the-art core facilities. Assistance will be provided in applying for national and regional talent awards and subsides. Other benefits provided by SZBL include insurance and housing fund, supplementary medical insurance, annual physical examination, paid annual leave, public rental housing, and children’s education. For international staff, we also help them to apply for work permit, residence permit and foreign tax preference.







(1)Cover letter;

(2)Curriculum vitae, including lists of publications and research funding;

(3)Research summary and research plan;

(4)Other materials that can prove scientific research ability


咨询联系人:方老师 电话:0755-26849230 邮箱:fanghy@szbl.ac.cn



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