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 2024/10/20 9:50:55 《最新论文》 作者:科学网 小柯机器人 我有话说(0人评论) 字体大小:+

近日,美国耶鲁大学的Michel H. Devoret&Rodrigo G. Cortias及其研究团队取得一项新进展。他们对一种驱动超导电路中的非线性耗散效应进行了研究。相关研究成果已于2024年10月15日在国际知名学术期刊《物理评论A》上发表。





Title: Nonlinear dissipation in a driven superconducting circuit

Author: Jayameenakshi Venkatraman, Xu Xiao, Rodrigo G. Cortias, Michel H. Devoret

Issue&Volume: 2024/10/15

Abstract: Out-of-equilibrium driven nonlinear oscillators have attracted interest as a platform for tailoring Floquet Hamiltonian spectra and stabilizing quantum states for quantum information. However, it is usually ignored that the necessary parametric drive can amplify environmental fluctuations limiting applications. In this work, we capture this effect by computing the effective Lindbladian of a Kerr parametric oscillator beyond the rotating wave approximation. We find that the relevant dissipators depend strongly on the nonlinearity and the mean-photon number in the oscillator. In particular, we address recent measurements of the logical lifetime on a Schrdingers-cat qubit stabilized by a parametric drive, thereby providing an explanation for the observed three-order-of-magnitude discrepancy between experimental data and an ordinary Lindblad treatment. Our systematic approach paves the path to treat dissipative effects in Floquet-engineered nonlinear quantum systems.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.110.042411

Source: https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.110.042411

来源:科学网 小柯机器人
