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 2024/9/19 9:42:37 《最新论文》 作者:科学网 小柯机器人 我有话说(0人评论) 字体大小:+

法国巴黎大学Francis Corson和Jerome Gros共同合作,近期取得重要工作进展。他们研究提出,自发的组织力学是胚胎调控的基础。相关研究成果2024年9月11日在线发表于《自然》杂志上。




Title: Self-organized tissue mechanics underlie embryonic regulation

Author: Caldarelli, Paolo, Chamolly, Alexander, Villedieu, Aurlien, Alegria-Prvot, Olinda, Phan, Carole, Gros, Jerome, Corson, Francis

Issue&Volume: 2024-09-11

Abstract: Early amniote development is highly self-organized, capable of adapting to interference through local and long-range cell–cell interactions. This process, called embryonic regulation1, has been well illustrated in experiments on avian embryos, in which subdividing the epiblast disk into different parts not only redirects cell fates to eventually form a complete and well-proportioned embryo at its original location, but also leads to the self-organization of additional, fully formed embryos2,3 in the other separated parts. The cellular interactions underlying embryonic self-organization are widely believed to be mediated by molecular signals, yet the identity of such signals is unclear. Here, by analysing intact and mechanically perturbed quail embryos, we show that the mechanical forces that drive embryogenesis self-organize, with contractility locally self-activating and the ensuing tension acting as a long-range inhibitor. This mechanical feedback governs the persistent pattern of tissue flows that shape the embryo4,5,6 and also steers the concomitant emergence of embryonic territories by modulating gene expression, ensuring the formation of a single embryo under normal conditions, yet allowing the emergence of multiple, well-proportioned embryos after perturbations. Thus, mechanical forces act at the core of embryonic self-organization, shaping both tissues and gene expression to robustly yet plastically canalize early development.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07934-8

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07934-8

来源:科学网  小柯机器人 
