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 地点:湖北  发布时间:2017/5/16 13:07:53 字体大小:+
 会议开始时间:2017/9/21  会议结束时间:2017/9/24


ICSDM aims to provide a unique inter- and multi-disciplinary forum for all the professionals involved in spatiotemporal big data analysis, trajectory mining, stream data mining, night-time light remote sensing data mining and geographical knowledge services academia and industry to share research ideas, present latest research achievements, foster cooperation, and encourage international collaboration.

ICSDM2017 has two days of technical program, including plenary sessions with several keynotes and invited speeches, parallel sessions with oral and poster presentations. Contributions will be invited from researchers and participant from ISPRS society, including topics on spatiotemporal big data analysis, trajectory mining, stream data mining, night-time light remote sensing data mining, spatiotemporal data services and knowledge services, spatiotemporal process modelling, spatial decision support, and the related theories, methods and applications. ICSDM2017 will serve as an open forum or platform for researchers and practitioners to share their innovative ideas and achievements in the multi-faceted research of spatiotemporal data analysis, spatiotemporal data mining, geographical knowledge service and decision support in Big Data era.



Spatiotemporal Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Spatiotemporal Big Data Analysis

Spatiotemporal Process Modelling and Decision

Spatiotemporal Data Services and Knowledge Services

Spatiotemporal Knowledge Visualization

Trajectory Mining and Urban Computing

Stream, Time-series, and Sequence Data Mining

Night-time Light Remote Sensing Data Mining

Spatially Integrated Humanities and Social Science

Applications of Spatiotemporal Data and Knowledge

联系人: Kun Qin

E-MAIL: qink@whu.edu.cn

会议网站: http://www.icsdm2017.org/

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